Linux & Unix

Check if Linux group exists using bash shell

In this example, I will use the getent command to check if a Linux group exists. if getent group "$groupname"…

Check if Linux user exists using Bash script

Here I will show you how to check if a Linux user exists (or does not exist) in a POSIX-compatible…

How to clear Bash history on Linux

The bash history is a log file that contains all commands that a user executed on the Linux BASH shell.…

12 Best Practices for Writing Bash Scripts

Bash shell refers to Bourne Again Shell which can be found as the default shell in most of the Linux…

How to Restart a Docker Container

To restart a Docker container, you can use the `docker restart` command. This command stops and then starts the specified…

How to restart a CentOS Server or Desktop

To restart a CentOS system, you can use both the command line (shell) and the desktop environment (GUI). Using the…

How to access the /stats folder with custom docroot set in ISPConfig 3

When using a custom docroot in the custom Apache directives field in ISPConfig, the /stats folder becomes inaccessible. An easy…

How to Install an NFS server on Ubuntu 22.04

NFS (Network File System) is a distributed file system protocol developed by Sun Microsystems to share files and folders between…

How to set PassivePortRange and PassiveIP in pure-ftpd on Debian and Ubuntu Linux

If you run a firewall on your Linux server and want to use passive FTP connections, you have to define…

Yarn Installation on Debian Linux

YARN package manager is a tool for managing yarn. The acronym stands for “Yet Another Resource Negotiator”, and that is…



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