Create a Self-signed SSL Certificate on Windows

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is used for encryption and decryption, processing of S/MIME signed or encrypted mails, generation of certificates, and more. To use it on Windows (32 and 64 bit versions), download the OpenSSL tools from Uncompress it anywhere you like and start it by double-clicking the openssl.exe executable in the \bin folder. ... Read more

How to Create NIC Teaming With PowerShell

NIC Teaming with PowerShell

This short guide shows you step-by-step on how to create NIC teaming with Windows PowerShell. Step 1. Open PowerShell with elevated privileges Step 2. Execute the following command, new-NetLBFOTeam [TEAMNAME] “[NIC1]”, “[NIC2]” [TEAMNAME] the name of team of network adapters. [NIC1] the name of first NIC adapter. [NIC2] the name of second NIC adapter. Example: ... Read more

Switch between English and German keyboard layouts on German keyboards (Windows)

Switch Windows Keyboard Layout

German keyboards are usually QWERTZ keyboards, named after the first row of letters to the first, which differs from the English layout, which is called QWERTY. You can switch between these two using the key combination Alt + Shift. This switch can be the cause of your keyboard behaving strangely - for example, if you ... Read more

Windows Powershell – “Running scripts is disabled on this system”


Powershell scripts can be run on any Windows server or desktop as long as they are run from the ISE by pushing the green play button. As soon as you want to run it from the cmd or the desktop file you'll get this error: script1.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on ... Read more

Fix “The program can’t start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer.” error on Windows

Program can not start due to a MSVCR100.dll error

What hides behind this name is the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable which can easily be downloaded on the Microsoft website as x86 or x64 edition: 32 bit: 64 bit: Usually, the application that misses the dll indicates what version you need - if one does not work, simply install the other.

How To Rename NIC Adapters with PowerShell

If you want to rename NIC adapters with PowerShell, follow this tutorial: Step 1. Open PowerShell with admin privileges Step 2. Execute the following command, Rename-NetAdapter -Name "<Old NIC Adapter Name>" -NewName "<New Adapter Name>" Example If you want to rename an old NIC Ethernet to a new name ManagementAdapter, the command should look like, Rename-NetAdapter ... Read more

Windows Returnvalue: 2147786788 in wmi EnableStatic method

Successfully using the EnableStatic method for example in powershell always gives the Returnvalue 0. If that is not the case, something will most likely have gone wrong. If you are returned the value 2147786788, this is a sign for a write lock of some sort, meaning you have to look for running processes that are ... Read more