Take Ownership of a File or Folder by Command in Windows

Taking ownership of files in Windows is necessary to edit or delete system or program files that you have no access to by default. There are multiple ways to achieve that goal, like doing everything manually through the Properties menu, applying a registry tweak or, as described here, executing a command in the Command Prompt. ... Read more

Hide folders by making them system folders on Windows

One of the basic things one does while configuring a Windows system is to enable viewing hidden files. So basically it is impossible to hide files by making them "hidden". What helps against most nosy people though is to make a file a system file or folder - that way the tagged file will remain ... Read more

“No space left on device” error on empty drives

When you try to copy files from your hard drive to an external device such as an external hard drive or USB stick, you may get an error message saying that there is no free space left on your device, even though you just deleted everything to make room. This is most likely due to ... Read more